The BAD PARKING thread [vol4]

The BAD PARKING thread [vol4]


5s Alive

1,984 posts

37 months

Thursday 27th June
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mac96 said:
Somebody said:
Taken from Facebook:
I would be very tempted to walk into that to see if the sudden application of a 14 stone weight did it any harm
In fact I might recruit a 20 stone friend to try it first!
On one hand there are concerns over charging cables laid across pavements, even when under cable protectors, on the other hand there's this... ffs! They would have been better blocking the pavement entirely than doing this. Either way. banghead

It's almost certain that there are rapid public chargers within range, you'd have to be incredibly arrogant/entitled/stupid to do this instead, or indeed to arrive at your destination empty.


11,200 posts

212 months

Thursday 27th June
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5s Alive said:
mac96 said:
Somebody said:
Taken from Facebook:
I would be very tempted to walk into that to see if the sudden application of a 14 stone weight did it any harm
In fact I might recruit a 20 stone friend to try it first!
On one hand there are concerns over charging cables laid across pavements, even when under cable protectors, on the other hand there's this... ffs! They would have been better blocking the pavement entirely than doing this. Either way. banghead

It's almost certain that there are rapid public chargers within range, you'd have to be incredibly arrogant/entitled/stupid to do this instead, or indeed to arrive at your destination empty.
It is only a matter of time before the 'no win no fee' vultures hop on the gravy train due to idiots like the owner of the EV


889 posts

178 months

Thursday 27th June
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Vipers said:
And the cheeky buggers will fine you if you park after a certain time at night, totally rediculous, unless they changed that cut off time was when the shops were still open, dorks.
Wow, that's changed since we moved away in 2022.

I miss parking driving and parking in the haar.


8,494 posts

103 months

Thursday 27th June
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Somebody said:
Taken from Facebook:
Sledge hammer to the charging nozzle should release it and sort that obstruction. Difficult to aim in that proximity, mind.


6,852 posts

156 months

Thursday 27th June
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donkmeister said:
Somebody said:
Taken from Facebook:
Sledge hammer to the charging nozzle should release it and sort that obstruction. Difficult to aim in that proximity, mind.
I’d be tempted to see if the cable could take the weight of my fat arse attempting the tight rope. The cables lock in don’t they? I might have to bounce a couple of times to see how strong it is.

Seriously though, what a !


8,443 posts

203 months

Thursday 27th June
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5s Alive said:
mac96 said:
Somebody said:
Taken from Facebook:
I would be very tempted to walk into that to see if the sudden application of a 14 stone weight did it any harm
In fact I might recruit a 20 stone friend to try it first!
On one hand there are concerns over charging cables laid across pavements, even when under cable protectors, on the other hand there's this... ffs! They would have been better blocking the pavement entirely than doing this. Either way. banghead

It's almost certain that there are rapid public chargers within range, you'd have to be incredibly arrogant/entitled/stupid to do this instead, or indeed to arrive at your destination empty.
Is there an award for the best (totally made up) excuse for NOT driving to a nearby rapid charger?

(What are you, the police? Doesn’t count).

I’ll start it off..

My kid has a ABCD and I cannot leave him alone (until the car is charged enough for me to fk off to the nail salon and leave him lone).


20,807 posts

207 months

Thursday 27th June
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donkmeister said:
Somebody said:
Taken from Facebook:
Sledge hammer to the charging nozzle should release it and sort that obstruction. Difficult to aim in that proximity, mind.
Insulated bolt cutters ?


2,349 posts

63 months

Thursday 27th June
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In a serious point for that charging cable, if there's a kid on a bike not paying attention, someone with poor vision walking along, someone in a mobility scooter or something then they're going to end up in a right mess. It at the very least needs trailing along the floor with suitable guard over it or an overhead arm that I've seen before. Even some high visibility tape would help! Just a dark grey or black cable against a background of dark grey and black is silly.

It'll encourage vandals to have a go at this, too. I believe snapping charging doors off is the modern way to enact retribution on EV's. Some tool will try to cut through it, or snap the end off, and end up electrocuting themselves.


4,016 posts

94 months

Thursday 27th June
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I believe that picture was originally posted as a joke to the Polestar owners’ Facebook page a fair while ago.


32,988 posts

231 months

Thursday 27th June
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Right or wrong, EV parked in one of two EV parking bays in town square car park, not plugged in.

It does say EV parking, no mention of only if you are going to charge, taking the piss in my mind .


4,016 posts

94 months

Thursday 27th June
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Plug in or fk off.

I may have been known to write a note to that effect and place it on such a car.


32,988 posts

231 months

Thursday 27th June
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CheesecakeRunner said:

Plug in or fk off.

I may have been known to write a note to that effect and place it on such a car.
Totally agree.


3,372 posts

190 months

Thursday 27th June
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Some piece of st in a EV Jag at IKEA Lakeside did this, I couldn't charge my EV and had to drive over to the Tesla chargers in Lakeside, 1st world problems and all that but it really fked me off adding 25minutes to my day, I bet the same person who owns the Jag would moan like fk if they rocked up nearly out of battery to find a piston powered car in the EV charging spaces.

Edited by gtidriver on Sunday 30th June 18:52

21st Century Man

41,188 posts

251 months

Thursday 27th June
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It does demonstrate how monumentally thick some people are though. They actually think that EV parking is parking for EV's, as if it was some sort of general dedicated parking space, rather than only when charging related.

It's very much like parking at the pump, though not buying fuel. It's a mindset that I find staggering and depressing.


24,458 posts

199 months

Friday 28th June
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Cliftonite said:

Watched the SAAB driver park his car in the tiny space left for him!
Hmm. None of them seem to be "bad parking" to me. They are all parked up properly, it does seem the MiTo is over the line but without knowing what was in front of him earlier... it does seem like an improperly sized bay? 7-meters something, which is a really weird size.


120 posts

19 months

Friday 28th June
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21st Century Man said:
It does demonstrate how monumentally thick some people are though. They actually think that EV parking is parking for EV's, as if it was some sort of general dedicated parking space, rather than only when charging related.

It's very much like parking at the pump, though not buying fuel. It's a mindset that I find staggering and depressing.
The main car park in Hinckley has decided that the EV parking spaces can also be used by the disabled, in a nice bit of double counting. Morons.


4,016 posts

94 months

Friday 28th June
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You know disabled people are allowed to drive EVs too? And charge them.

21st Century Man

41,188 posts

251 months

Friday 28th June
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CheesecakeRunner said:
You know disabled people are allowed to drive EVs too? And charge them.
Not an issue if they're both EV and disabled, but if spaces are dedicated to either, regardless of the other, then it seems that an EV needing charge might struggle if spaces are occupied by a disabled ice, which obviously isn't charging, or a disabled EV which is also not charging, as they're both parked up in their disabled capacity, and a needy disabled ice might find spaces occupied by abled EV, whether on charge or not.

Seems a lose/lose?

Pit Pony

8,974 posts

124 months

Friday 28th June
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CheesecakeRunner said:

“But it’s in the shade”, was his plaintive excuses as he sat there with his engine running making the world hotter, as I walked my kids to school in the road.
I'd force my kids through that gap, with their school bags on thier right shoulders whilst shouting at them " try not to scratch the car "


3,959 posts

146 months

Friday 28th June
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Pit Pony said:
CheesecakeRunner said:

“But it’s in the shade”, was his plaintive excuses as he sat there with his engine running making the world hotter, as I walked my kids to school in the road.
I'd force my kids through that gap, with their school bags on thier right shoulders whilst shouting at them " try not to scratch the car "
A wheelchair might fit with a bit if a shove....