“National Conservatism”



1,940 posts

48 months

Sunday 9th June
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biggbn said:
Carl_VivaEspana said:
EU Elections 2024.

France: Exit polls are predicting a 30% vote share for Le Pen's national rally.

Germany: The far-right AFD (I think that is a fair assessment) are predicted to have taken 16% of the vote.

I hope that the centrist politicians in the EU start to listen to the people more, especially the young.
I'm sure I read its the disaffected young who are bolstering the right wing vote?
BBC had an article to that effect a couple of days ago: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cqqq952e3v6o


12,484 posts

265 months

Sunday 9th June
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Wow - Macron has called a full national election based on the result for June 30th.

"Marine Le Pen’s far-right National rally won 32 per cent of the vote – more than double that of the president’s Renaissance on 15.4 per cent – underlining her credentials as frontrunner for France’s next presidential vote."


9,991 posts

160 months

Sunday 9th June
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The problem the left have is they always seem to tell you they know best where as the right tell you what you want to hear. When times are good we can afford to be receptive to progressive and diverse ideas. When times are tough we look for people to blame. The right is very good at showing you it's someone else's fault.


7,050 posts

162 months

Sunday 9th June
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Ah well. When every single person across the water is (voluntarily) speaking Russian at least the B word will seem like a decent idea after all.


3,321 posts

83 months

Sunday 9th June
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Gecko1978 said:
The problem the left have is they always seem to tell you they know best where as the right tell you what you want to hear. When times are good we can afford to be receptive to progressive and diverse ideas. When times are tough we look for people to blame. The right is very good at showing you it's someone else's fault.
These vignettes always seem so thoroughly reversible to me.

There are plenty of forms of right-wingery that are very insistent on telling you they know best; National Conservatism being such an example what with all the "base laws on the Bible, women should be mothers and universities must serve the national interest" stuff. Same for Le Pen, Meloni, Orban etc. - not people or politics shy of telling people exactly how they should act, speak and think. And there are plenty of varieties of libertarian left-wingery, some of which refuse to tell anyone anything or be told anything by anyone to the extent that they're unworkable in reality.

Equally, you could easily cast a lot of left-wing politics as "telling people what they want to hear" and "giving people targets to blame" (the 'there's loads of money to slosh around, it's just the rich are hoarding it all. Let's take all their stuff and spend it on everything we want!" view of leftism).

One could argue that the difference is that the targets and policies of left-wing populism are less palatable to people who currently hold socio-economic power, and thus don't tend to get amplified and legitimised as readily as when the right starts shining its laser-target dots around.

Edited by 2xChevrons on Sunday 9th June 22:37


52,545 posts

213 months

Sunday 16th June
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Meloni whose party absolutely definitely has no links to Fascism.

‘Meloni Youth’ caught making Nazi salutes and chanting ‘Sieg Heil’


6,423 posts

221 months

Sunday 16th June
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bhstewie said:
Meloni whose party absolutely definitely has no links to Fascism.

‘Meloni Youth’ caught making Nazi salutes and chanting ‘Sieg Heil’
The Italians are never too far removed from fascism are they?


1,374 posts

145 months

Sunday 16th June
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F1GTRUeno said:
bhstewie said:
Meloni whose party absolutely definitely has no links to Fascism.

‘Meloni Youth’ caught making Nazi salutes and chanting ‘Sieg Heil’
The Italians are never too far removed from fascism are they?
Well, to be fair, they did invent it.


52,545 posts

213 months

Sunday 16th June
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The last few pages I was told the fascist thing is just name calling and Meloni and her party are actually fine and definitely not fascists it's all in the past.


12,484 posts

265 months

Here goes France.....1st round of voting is today.


12,484 posts

265 months

First round to the National Conservatives.

Looks like the National Rally platform is straight out of the Bannon playbook. The far left alliance has pledged to spend even more money than National Rally, it's curious therefore that the markets are as stable as they are.


12,484 posts

265 months

Yesterday (07:05)
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Farage has come out against National Conservatism's shared economic policies (e.g Le Penn) via an article in Unherd.



40,666 posts

286 months

Yesterday (08:36)
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Catweazle said:
F1GTRUeno said:
bhstewie said:
Meloni whose party absolutely definitely has no links to Fascism.

‘Meloni Youth’ caught making Nazi salutes and chanting ‘Sieg Heil’
The Italians are never too far removed from fascism are they?
Well, to be fair, they did invent it.
You can generally tell a nation's proximity to it, by the amount of gold braid and faux-military queues in their police uniforms.

It is very easy to forget, Spain only emerged from the Franco era in the 1970's.