47th President of the United States

47th President of the United States



6,288 posts

58 months

Friday 7th June
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105.4 said:
I don’t know whether or not you are actually aware of this, but it’s been obvious to many for a considerable amount of time that you are not interested in balance, the truth or being objective.
Is the material in his (or her) link untruthful?

He (or she) isn't the BBC, and is required to neither be balanced nor objective.



62,210 posts

220 months

Friday 7th June
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Oh and since some were discussing taxes. Per Treasury official: In FY 2023, the IRS collected $86 billion through tougher enforcement,

- Crackdown on abuse of corporate jets for personal travel
- Collecting $500m in back taxes from wealthy Americans
- 76 audits into the largest partnerships (average assets $10B)
- 60 audits into corp taxpayers (avg assets $24B)

They also closed 582,944 tax return audits, resulting in $31.9B in recommended additional tax.

No wonder the rich want trump back


62,210 posts

220 months

Friday 7th June
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19,350 posts

276 months

Friday 7th June
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Byker28i said:
Really, that was in response to those claiming Biden was senile... of which there's no evidence
Tons of evidence everywhere


The US media arent very good at talking abiut it, however


62,210 posts

220 months

Friday 7th June
quotequote all
williamp said:
Byker28i said:
Really, that was in response to those claiming Biden was senile... of which there's no evidence
Tons of evidence everywhere


The US media arent very good at talking abiut it, however
Really - you want to go with that? Shall we look at what he testified at the congressional hearing?

Republican Rep. Scott Fitzgerald of Wisconsin: “Webster’s Dictionary defines ‘senile’ as exhibiting a decline of cognitive ability, such as memory, associated with old age,” Mr. Hur, based on your report, did you find that the president was senile?”
“I did not. That conclusion does not appear in my report,” Hur replied.


24,378 posts

116 months

Friday 7th June
quotequote all
Byker28i said:
williamp said:
Byker28i said:
Really, that was in response to those claiming Biden was senile... of which there's no evidence
Tons of evidence everywhere


The US media arent very good at talking abiut it, however
Really - you want to go with that? Shall we look at what he testified at the congressional hearing?

Republican Rep. Scott Fitzgerald of Wisconsin: “Webster’s Dictionary defines ‘senile’ as exhibiting a decline of cognitive ability, such as memory, associated with old age,” Mr. Hur, based on your report, did you find that the president was senile?”
“I did not. That conclusion does not appear in my report,” Hur replied.
Even if Biden was genuinely over the hill, the fact remains it’s a binary choice. Too old, or too old and a lunatic.


8,811 posts

228 months

Friday 7th June
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g4ry13 said:
Trying to put words in my mouth there!

The facts / evidence is that #45 had 4 years and geopolitics were fairly stable. Yes....he sent a few tweets which worried a few people. But everyone played nicely.

As I previously said: The state of geopolitics has not been this bad for a long time from my recollection.

Under the watch of #46 we've had the shambles of the Afghanistan retreat, Russia / Ukraine, Iran / Israel and China have little concern about the USA.

The way I see it, the world is a more dangerous place than it was during 2017 - 2021.

That's my opinion which one doesn't actually have to base on anything to hold. I have no doubt you'll disagree and it makes little difference either way.
So your opinion (belief would be more accurate) is as rudimentary as “it’s all Biden’s fault”.

I think we’re done here. SMH


19,350 posts

276 months

Friday 7th June
quotequote all
Byker28i said:
williamp said:
Byker28i said:
Really, that was in response to those claiming Biden was senile... of which there's no evidence
Tons of evidence everywhere


The US media arent very good at talking abiut it, however
Really - you want to go with that? Shall we look at what he testified at the congressional hearing?

Republican Rep. Scott Fitzgerald of Wisconsin: “Webster’s Dictionary defines ‘senile’ as exhibiting a decline of cognitive ability, such as memory, associated with old age,” Mr. Hur, based on your report, did you find that the president was senile?”
“I did not. That conclusion does not appear in my report,” Hur replied.
Yeah ill go with that. One is an example of indiepndant journalis- there ars others, and some of ux have questionned his mentL ability for years..

..and your quote from Mr Hur. Who is a lawyer. And they represent their client in the best light. Regardless of who their clent is.


17,419 posts

258 months

Friday 7th June
quotequote all
dvs_dave said:
g4ry13 said:
Trying to put words in my mouth there!

The facts / evidence is that #45 had 4 years and geopolitics were fairly stable. Yes....he sent a few tweets which worried a few people. But everyone played nicely.

As I previously said: The state of geopolitics has not been this bad for a long time from my recollection.

Under the watch of #46 we've had the shambles of the Afghanistan retreat, Russia / Ukraine, Iran / Israel and China have little concern about the USA.

The way I see it, the world is a more dangerous place than it was during 2017 - 2021.

That's my opinion which one doesn't actually have to base on anything to hold. I have no doubt you'll disagree and it makes little difference either way.
So your opinion (belief would be more accurate) is as rudimentary as “it’s all Biden’s fault”.

I think we’re done here. SMH
Great! We never had any business anyway byebye


6,288 posts

58 months

Friday 7th June
quotequote all
williamp said:
..and your quote from Mr Hur. Who is a lawyer. And they represent their client in the best light. Regardless of who their clent is.
Hur wasn't bidens lawyer.



8,811 posts

228 months

Saturday 8th June
quotequote all
paulguitar said:
Even if Biden was genuinely over the hill, the fact remains it’s a binary choice. Too old, or too old and a lunatic.
Yep. But having said that, Biden’s lifeless body in the Oval Office is still infinitely preferable to a full of life orange one. He has a competent team behind him, pulling the strings even, and that’s what gets the job done. Not the wretched hive of scum and villainy that will accompany the alternative.


62,210 posts

220 months

Saturday 8th June
quotequote all
williamp said:
Byker28i said:
williamp said:
Byker28i said:
Really, that was in response to those claiming Biden was senile... of which there's no evidence
Tons of evidence everywhere


The US media arent very good at talking abiut it, however
Really - you want to go with that? Shall we look at what he testified at the congressional hearing?

Republican Rep. Scott Fitzgerald of Wisconsin: “Webster’s Dictionary defines ‘senile’ as exhibiting a decline of cognitive ability, such as memory, associated with old age,” Mr. Hur, based on your report, did you find that the president was senile?”
“I did not. That conclusion does not appear in my report,” Hur replied.
Yeah ill go with that. One is an example of indiepndant journalis- there ars others, and some of ux have questionned his mentL ability for years..

..and your quote from Mr Hur. Who is a lawyer. And they represent their client in the best light. Regardless of who their clent is.
Hurr wasn't Bidens lawyer, he was a Republican prosecutor appointed by trump who was hand picked to investigate Bidens documents case, to try to throw as much dirt to muddy the waters over trumps theft and refusal to return the multiple classified documnets he deliberately stole, comcealed, obstructed their return and wanted his lawyers to lie about.

As such and when under oath even he refused to say Biden was senile.
How can anyone take you seriously if you can't even get the basics right?


62,210 posts

220 months

Saturday 8th June
quotequote all
105.4 said:
My following comment comes from a place of compassion, but I do hope that you find the help you so dearly need. You have spoken before of political extremism. I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you are a political extremist. You lack empathy and understanding for those whose political viewpoints don’t match your own. When we look back through history, it isn’t those who are viewed fondly who have similar characteristics.
As another response to this and having given some thought, once again we find that it's the radicalised by trump who seek to push their own beliefs onto others, much like trump does all the time.

Those so radicalised that they are still supporting trump no matter the evidence presented. trump has shown everyone who he is, a multiple loser who cannot handle being held to account. Guilty of business fraud multiple times, defamation, found to have committed sexual assault, rape.

Who wants to be a dictator from day one, who is calling for the prosecution of anyone he feels is against him from day one. He will again weaponise govt departments to go after those he has a grudge against. Project 2025 will sack anyone not following his line and replace them with lackeys.

We say this with Jeff Sessions, sacked for pushing back against trump, replaced with Barr who enabled trump to his excesses. Interfered with prosecutions of trumpers, Manafort, Stone etc.

trump again isn't planning to run to do anything for the American people, or even the world. trumps running to stay out of jail, enrich himself again, and have the power to punish anyone he feels aggrieved against, for whatever reason caused him to throw the ketchup again.

trump, a rich white man with so much privilege. Anyone else convicted in the US would be struggling to find employment in a grocery store, yet he has the GOP and his supporters happily turning a blind eye to the law, because hes 'there man'.

We can talk political extremism, but really you need to be looking inward as you continue to support such a flawed person and the party that are enabling him. The GOP truly have become corrupted by money and power at any cost, led by the ultimate conman


62,210 posts

220 months

Saturday 8th June
quotequote all
dvs_dave said:
paulguitar said:
Even if Biden was genuinely over the hill, the fact remains it’s a binary choice. Too old, or too old and a lunatic.
Yep. But having said that, Biden’s lifeless body in the Oval Office is still infinitely preferable to a full of life orange one. He has a competent team behind him, pulling the strings even, and that’s what gets the job done. Not the wretched hive of scum and villainy that will accompany the alternative.
It's deflection. You've trump constantly struggling so it's deflection, 'but his age' ignoring that Bidens the one who takes regular exercise, cycles etc. Usually accompanied by the same guff that came 4 years ago, with 'it's all a plot to hand over immediately to Harris'.

Just two days in Arizona
"What they are doing here in Texas..."


62,210 posts

220 months

Saturday 8th June
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In the New York Times, Michael Strain, director of economic policy studies at the conservative American Enterprise Institute has said all signs point to higher prices if the policies trump is running on become reality.

Strain pointed to trumps promises to deport millions of immigrants and impose massive new double-digit tariffs on imported goods as reason to believe higher prices are likely much like trumps tarrif war caused last time.

Also trumps racist appeal to his base of detaining and deporting millions of immigrants would "cause a severe supply shock to the labor market," as many industries including agriculture, manufacturing, construction and educational and health services rely heavily on immigrant labor, especially in the low paid jobs.


62,210 posts

220 months

Saturday 22nd June
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The White House says the U.S. just crossed the threshold of one million pensions that have been saved thanks to the Butch Lewis Act — part of the 2021 American Rescue Plan.


2,009 posts

168 months

Friday 28th June
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tumbleweed in here, weirdly.


24,378 posts

116 months

Friday 28th June
quotequote all
thatsprettyshady said:
tumbleweed in here, weirdly.
Lots and lots going on in the other two threads...


17,419 posts

258 months

Friday 28th June
quotequote all
thatsprettyshady said:
tumbleweed in here, weirdly.
All going on in #45 / #46.


2,009 posts

168 months

Friday 28th June
quotequote all
paulguitar said:
thatsprettyshady said:
tumbleweed in here, weirdly.
Lots and lots going on in the other two threads...
It's too much for me to check both, and at this point we may as well merge them hehe