General Election July 2024



26,359 posts

176 months

valiant said:
86 said:
Seems most will vote for an old white bloke with a knighthood
61 is old now?
I'd say so. Well into grandparents range and deemed suitable infirm that the state things they can only get a few more years out of you. If you were female then a few years ago you'd already be on the scrapheap.


2,341 posts

157 months

So many people (including me) consider not voting in our election due to the appalling choice on offer. The you see the US presidential debate and perhaps think we are in a good place....


40,645 posts

286 months

Tom8 said:
So many people (including me) consider not voting in our election due to the appalling choice on offer. The you see the US presidential debate and perhaps think we are in a good place....
I know, it is literally like watching the Muppet Show.

One of the greatest democracies on the planet and it's like visiting an elderly, once very much respected relative, as they sit, not reckognising you, incoherently soiling themselves in a care home.


104,860 posts

263 months

Digga said:
Tom8 said:
So many people (including me) consider not voting in our election due to the appalling choice on offer. The you see the US presidential debate and perhaps think we are in a good place....
I know, it is literally like watching the Muppet Show.

One of the greatest democracies on the planet and it's like visiting an elderly, once very much respected relative, as they sit, not reckognising you, incoherently soiling themselves in a care home.
Sadly that's closer to the recent Presidential H2H debate.


9,309 posts

160 months

turbobloke said:
Sadly that's closer to the recent Presidential H2H debate.
I think that's what he was referring to.


17,968 posts

163 months

turbobloke said:
Sadly that's closer to the recent Presidential H2H debate.
You doing a Biden, Turbs? hehe


104,860 posts

263 months

Jockman said:
turbobloke said:
Sadly that's closer to the recent Presidential H2H debate.
You doing a Biden, Turbs? hehe

Far too young and fully marbled for US Democrat potus consideration, and the nationality bit is wrong too. If you haven't seen / heard what went on, take a peek.


104,860 posts

263 months

Lord Ashcroft polling has been in Moggland.

Focus Group member on Rees-Mogg said:
He’s got even more money than Rishi, probably, but he’s still got a heart. When we had the floods a few years back he came down to see people and said right, here’s my mobile, if anyone has any problems let me know and I’ll come down and help out. And he kept to his word.
Lord Ashcroft said:
However, nobody said this would be enough to sway their vote which would be dominated by the national picture.


2,455 posts

215 months

ChocolateFrog said:
valiant said:
86 said:
Seems most will vote for an old white bloke with a knighthood
61 is old now?
I'd say so. Well into grandparents range and deemed suitable infirm that the state things they can only get a few more years out of you. If you were female then a few years ago you'd already be on the scrapheap.
Keep up wink It's 66 for both men and women now.

So, technically at 61 you do have at least 1 term in parliament before you receive you state pension.


44,507 posts

254 months

Less than a week to go, two possibilities. Personal view based on current situation.

Major victory for Labour, utter disaster for Cons, at worst effectively an extinction event, if they ended up similar to 97 result would take that as a win. LibDems to do well maybe even form the official opposition, and they'll claim it's a resurgence but it's not, just that many lefties aren't convinced by Labour either. Reform nafc, if Farage wins Clacton he will then turn attacks on Labour

Or seeing as polls are as they are, possibly something that results in an unprecedented disaster for the polling industry who then may as well shut up shop.

My prediction, on balance a Labour win with a big majority but turning into a very unpopular government really rather quickly as they'll prove to be in power, unpopular, no ideas and not much of a mandate based on the % vote. Cue captain flip-flop being pulled every which way. BBC will rapidly become brutal.

YMMV which is completely fair and expected.


40,645 posts

286 months

IMHO Cons will be eviscerated.

Of the various people who I know will talk openly and honestly about politics and who have, at the very least considered, or possibly voted Tory in the past, I know none who will this time. Of those who have, at the very least considered, or possibly voted Labour in the past, I think most will again. Of those who have, at the very least considered, or possibly voted UKIP in the past, none will vote Tory and most will vote Reform.


104,860 posts

263 months

FiF said:
Less than a week to go, two possibilities. Personal view based on current situation.

Major victory for Labour, utter disaster for Cons, at worst effectively an extinction event, if they ended up similar to 97 result would take that as a win. LibDems to do well maybe even form the official opposition, and they'll claim it's a resurgence but it's not, just that many lefties aren't convinced by Labour either. Reform nafc, if Farage wins Clacton he will then turn attacks on Labour

Or seeing as polls are as they are, possibly something that results in an unprecedented disaster for the polling industry who then may as well shut up shop.

My prediction, on balance a Labour win with a big majority but turning into a very unpopular government really rather quickly as they'll prove to be in power, unpopular, no ideas and not much of a mandate based on the % vote. Cue captain flip-flop being pulled every which way. BBC will rapidly become brutal.

YMMV which is completely fair and expected.

Also, that chimes with the contrast between Labour talking heads in interviews when compared to the latest Sunak-Starmer H2H. Sunak asked Starmer nine times on his (Stermer's) plan for 90,000 asylum seekers currently in limbo in the UK, but no clear answer was offered by the Labour leader. Yet his shapmates say that while it will take time to make changes 'we have a strong plan'. What is that plan Starmer keeps forgetting details from?

Rufus Stone

6,653 posts

59 months

turbobloke said:

Also, that chimes with the contrast between Labour talking heads in interviews when compared to the latest Sunak-Starmer H2H. Sunak asked Starmer nine times on his (Stermer's) plan for 90,000 asylum seekers currently in limbo in the UK, but no clear answer was offered by the Labour leader. Yet his shapmates say that while it will take time to make changes 'we have a strong plan'. What is that plan Starmer keeps forgetting details from?
You mean the old boss asking the new boss what they are going to do about the mess the old boss has created?


5,565 posts

109 months

FiF said:
Less than a week to go, two possibilities. Personal view based on current situation.

Major victory for Labour, utter disaster for Cons, at worst effectively an extinction event, if they ended up similar to 97 result would take that as a win. LibDems to do well maybe even form the official opposition, and they'll claim it's a resurgence but it's not, just that many lefties aren't convinced by Labour either. Reform nafc, if Farage wins Clacton he will then turn attacks on Labour

Or seeing as polls are as they are, possibly something that results in an unprecedented disaster for the polling industry who then may as well shut up shop.

My prediction, on balance a Labour win with a big majority but turning into a very unpopular government really rather quickly as they'll prove to be in power, unpopular, no ideas and not much of a mandate based on the % vote. Cue captain flip-flop being pulled every which way. BBC will rapidly become brutal.

YMMV which is completely fair and expected.
Interesting. Hoping Labour will get a decent working majority (they will need it) - say 60-80 seats. Would be super if the LDs were the official opposition and the SNP were left with very few MPs north of the border. Obviously, the best scenario would also be that there aren’t enough racists and homophobes to deliver a single seat for Reform - even in Clacton!


7,352 posts

39 months

S600BSB said:
Interesting. Hoping Labour will get a decent working majority (they will need it) - say 60-80 seats. Would be super if the LDs were the official opposition and the SNP were left with very few MPs north of the border. Obviously, the best scenario would also be that there aren’t enough racists and homophobes to deliver a single seat for Reform - even in Clacton!
Do you have anything to back up your assertion that those that vote for Reform are racists and homophones?

Any web link or data will do.


38,038 posts

259 months

Digga said:
I know, it is literally like watching the Muppet Show.

One of the greatest democracies on the planet and it's like visiting an elderly, once very much respected relative, as they sit, not reckognising you, incoherently soiling themselves in a care home.
How does one coherently soil themselves?

(Asking for a friend biggrin)


8,176 posts

208 months

Murph7355 said:
Digga said:
I know, it is literally like watching the Muppet Show.

One of the greatest democracies on the planet and it's like visiting an elderly, once very much respected relative, as they sit, not reckognising you, incoherently soiling themselves in a care home.
How does one coherently soil themselves?

(Asking for a friend biggrin)
They tell you they've done it smile


5,565 posts

109 months

119 said:
S600BSB said:
Interesting. Hoping Labour will get a decent working majority (they will need it) - say 60-80 seats. Would be super if the LDs were the official opposition and the SNP were left with very few MPs north of the border. Obviously, the best scenario would also be that there aren’t enough racists and homophobes to deliver a single seat for Reform - even in Clacton!
Do you have anything to back up your assertion that those that vote for Reform are racists and homophones?

Any web link or data will do.
What’s a “homophone”? You got one? Haha.


6,890 posts

185 months

119 said:
Do you have anything to back up your assertion that those that vote for Reform are racists and homophones?

Any web link or data will do.
Two second google brings up this story from today:


2,626 posts

91 months

You know the country is well and truly fked when it can’t organise an election process properly.
Thousands of people leaving the country today and over the weekend with school holidays starting and no sign of their postal voting papers.
What’s the point in engaging if the system isn’t even capable of this simple action ?
And there’s little point in a review after the fact.
Not even Third World….