45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)

45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)



62,115 posts

220 months

trump refused to say that he'll accept the results of the 2024 election - again.

In fact he's been saying this all along, that he has other plans, that he doesn't need votes because he has other plans...


25,788 posts

196 months

This sums it up reasonably well. hehe


4,854 posts

188 months

Byker28i said:
trump refused to say that he'll accept the results of the 2024 election - again.

In fact he's been saying this all along, that he has other plans, that he doesn't need votes because he has other plans...
Amy more performances like that from Biden and he won’t need them


62,115 posts

220 months

So I've watched it now. I think the fair summary is that
Biden missed a big opportunity, obviously struggled with his stutter and looked tired.
trump just lied the whole time, and did nothing to address the issues affecting him, lie after lie

However all the headlines will be /are about Bidens poor performance

Time for both to go... but whilst both are running...Dems need to get out and push the message consistently, together, combined like the GOP does

Edited by Byker28i on Friday 28th June 07:11


62,115 posts

220 months

Meanwhile Judge Cannon again

After Jack Smith noted that Judge Cannon gave an order that everything had to be in by 26 June and so trump shouldn't be able to respond, Judge Cannon has reversed her order to let trump respond to Smiths filing.


62,115 posts

220 months

Piginapoke said:
Byker28i said:
trump refused to say that he'll accept the results of the 2024 election - again.

In fact he's been saying this all along, that he has other plans, that he doesn't need votes because he has other plans...
Amy more performances like that from Biden and he won’t need them
Maybe they should have given Biden the same cocktail of drugs they pumped trump full of... wink

CNN final Poll was taken of 15 undecided voters in a battleground-state county Trump won in 2020.


Biden sounded terrible, yet he was all substance.
trump sounded great, but his substance was all terrible lies

Edited by Byker28i on Friday 28th June 06:39


17,070 posts

243 months

Let’s be clear: when we talk about winners and losers, we’re discussing oratory.

Trump lied with impunity from beginning to end. He showed contempt for the legal system, contempt for the electoral system, contempt for the constitution. So much of what he said has me despairing for a US under a 2nd Trump presidency.

But it is also true that Biden should have wiped the floor with him, and didn’t. I believe it was Mark Twain who said one shouldn’t argue with stupid people - they’ll drag you down to their level, and beat you with experience.

Biden can’t debate Trump on Trump’s terms. He made a grave mistake believing he could. He should have been dignified and made his points. If he insisted on fighting in the weeds with Trump, he should have had a series of well-prepared take-downs in hand.

As I’ve said above, I’d prefer Biden retire. Even if his job performance is exemplary, the US needs somebody to rally around. In that context, Biden is the not-Trump candidate.

Is that enough? Sadly there seem enough people taken in for reasons unknown by Trump that it may not be enough.


62,115 posts

220 months


62,115 posts

220 months

CNN ran their fact check of all of trumps lie. This should be repeated during the prime times and probably should have happened live


trump is still lying that he got the Veterans Choice program passed - when it was Obama that signed it.
trump claimed he put the cap on insulin prices, when it was Biden

So actually a poor evening for the moderators as well, allowing trump to tell his lies without challenge. Jake Tapper was the one who General Kelly told about trump calling veterans suckers and losers... Why was there no real time fact checking or response from the moderators?

Edited by Byker28i on Friday 28th June 06:47


62,115 posts

220 months

trump is unfit for office is trending on twitter


62,115 posts

220 months

Countdown missed the DC Young Republicans ‘Hot Girl Summer’ event. biggrin


25,788 posts

196 months

It should have been done live, most of them were lies he repeats at every rally and drafting rebuttals before hand would be simple.
Byker28i said:
CNN ran their fact check of all of trumps lie. This should be repeated during the prime times and probably should have happened live



62,115 posts

220 months

hidetheelephants said:
It should have been done live, most of them were lies he repeats at every rally and drafting rebuttals before hand would be simple.
Byker28i said:
CNN ran their fact check of all of trumps lie. This should be repeated during the prime times and probably should have happened live

2 hours after the debate? When people will have switched off?


62,115 posts

220 months

Interesting claim that the Univision FG of undecided Latino voters, nearly every single undecided voter said they now support Biden, not Trump! Latinos were watching and listening and Trump sounded like a crazy liar.

From https://twitter.com/realMABarreto/status/180652715...


62,115 posts

220 months

If only the US would accept a woman. Harris came out fighting on Anderson

"Look at what happened during the course of the debate. Donald Trump lied over and over and over again. He would not disavow what happened on January 6. He would not give a clear answer on whether he would stand by the election results.."

"It was a slow start, I’m not going to debate that.. I’m talking about the choice in November. I’m talking about one of the most elections in our lifetime…"

"One person on that stage has the endorsement of their VP and that’s Joe Biden. Mike Pence is nowhere to be found and that’s why he has to look for someone else who will rubber stamp whatever he wants"


12,428 posts

240 months

Bonefish Blues said:
Mooch made the very correct observation that Biden's team should have briefed a cold and/or hoarseness out in advance.
Had they done that it would have been slightly more convincing.


62,115 posts

220 months

There was a couple of bits Biden did well.

trump claiming election fraud to which Biden responded
Biden: When you lost the first time, you appealed to courts across the country. Not one single court in America said any of your claims had any merit I doubt you’ll accept it because you’re a such a whiner. You can’t stand loss. Something snapped in you

and trump really didn't like Biden bringing up that he was voted the worse president


2,561 posts

148 months

Byker28i said:
So I've watched it now. I think the fair summary is that
Biden missed a big opportunity, obviously struggled with his stutter and looked tired.
trump just lied the whole time, and did nothing to address the issues affecting him, lie after lie

However all the headlines will be /are about Bidens poor performance

Time for both to go...
Just seen some Biden clips from last night leaders debate. Not sure the Democrats can keep up the pretence that Joe's fit for office.

It's insulting they've allowed their candidate to get this far into the leadership race as he surely is like this away from the cameras as well, and hasn't deteriorated overnight.

So undermines the Democrats saying anything about Trump


12,428 posts

240 months

Jader1973 said:
All the need is to swap Biden out for a quick witted, intelligent 50 something and Trump would be buggered.
This is exactly the point. No matter how much the likes of Byker tell us not to believe our lyin' eyes, Biden is probably one of the few possible candidates who might lose to a clearly mental Trump.


62,115 posts

220 months

Then there's trump with his word salads - not sure what point he was trying to make

trump: All the things that we’ve done. Nobody has ever seen anything like it. Even from a medical standpoint, right to try where we can try space age materials instead of going to Asia

trump on his dementia, then they started talking about golf?

Trump: I aced them
Biden: You can see he is six foot five and only 225 pounds. I'm happy to play golf with you if you carry your own bag. Think you can do it?

Again how poor the moderators were - when asked what trump would do about childcare, they didn't hold him to the question. trumps response was "If he wins this election ... we probably won't have a country left anymore."

trumps lie about insulin - actually pointless to do these as CNN has fact checked so many lies I'd be here all day with the clips