Suzi Perry



Original Poster:

726 posts

212 months

Sunday 27th October 2013
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Well the F1 as been poor this year but at least Suzi Perry has been worth watching

She is very sexy and she has been the best thing about F1 this year

Only thing to get me excited this season lot

That is all lol

Edited by jasesapphy on Sunday 27th October 18:22

Shaw Tarse

31,546 posts

206 months

Sunday 27th October 2013
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13,557 posts

258 months

Sunday 27th October 2013
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I am sure her detractors will be along soon, but I think she has settled in to the role and was a good choice. I know some will say that Lee McKenzie should have got it but she has a good rapport with the teams drivers etc and that is needed for the in race and qualifying interviews.


13,698 posts

250 months

Sunday 27th October 2013
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Suzy is lovely I am sure.

But she is in the wrong job.

I am sure she is awesome at bikes and gadgets and stuff but she's out of her depth in F1.

Too many mistakes. Says too many stoopid things.

I think they can do much better. Hiring her was unimaginative; as if someone in the BBC who knows nothing about F1 was told to hire a female character who is known in the UK for motorsport and who appeals to "men of a certain age". They googled this criteria and her name came up. They could'nt think of anyone else.


9,317 posts

148 months

Sunday 27th October 2013
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Doesn't do it for me but a reasonably professional job this year.


122 posts

129 months

Sunday 27th October 2013
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She has poor knowledge of the sport and little interest in changing this.


1,995 posts

230 months

Sunday 27th October 2013
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Trouble with Perry is that she constantly talks in hyperbole - this worked for those Rossi years in MotoGP because the racing was incredible but in F1 which isn't as frenetic it seems to indicate a lack of knowledge.


7,960 posts

247 months

Sunday 27th October 2013
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jasesapphy said:
She is very sexy and she has been the best thing about F1 this year
Really? She knows nothing about F1, has an annoying presenting style, and is a good few years past her best imo.

Natalie Pinkham is much easier on the eye, and Lee McKenzie far more knowledgeable, both are much more watchable than Perry.


Original Poster:

726 posts

212 months

Sunday 27th October 2013
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RYH64E said:
Really? She knows nothing about F1, has an annoying presenting style, and is a good few years past her best imo.

Natalie Pinkham is much easier on the eye, and Lee McKenzie far more knowledgeable, both are much more watchable than Perry.
You do have a point I suppose

Just want some excitement on track TBH


11,641 posts

192 months

Sunday 27th October 2013
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I've noticed a bit of acrimony between her and Eddie


122 posts

129 months

Sunday 27th October 2013
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ATTAK Z said:
I've noticed a bit of acrimony between her and Eddie
Eddie is hugely knowledgable about F1 - and has an inside line to a lot of the teams.

Perry... he knows she knows next to nothing about the sport, has no interest in the sport, and is only there because of her male fan base. I don't think many of the team personnel or drivers have a lot of time for her, either.


13,698 posts

250 months

Sunday 27th October 2013
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Euro1300 said:
Eddie is hugely knowledgable about F1 - and has an inside line to a lot of the teams.

Perry... he knows she knows next to nothing about the sport, has no interest in the sport, and is only there because of her male fan base. I don't think many of the team personnel or drivers have a lot of time for her, either.
Sums it up perfectly I think.


14,367 posts

212 months

Sunday 27th October 2013
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Is she on the BBC? How quaint.


13,557 posts

258 months

Sunday 27th October 2013
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Euro1300 said:
Eddie is hugely knowledgable about F1 - and has an inside line to a lot of the teams.

Perry... he knows she knows next to nothing about the sport, has no interest in the sport, and is only there because of her male fan base. I don't think many of the team personnel or drivers have a lot of time for her, either.
But she is not there for detailed knowledge, they already have Lee, Eddie and DC for that, she is doing an anchor job, and I think is doing it well, and is gelling with the team


3,229 posts

220 months

Sunday 27th October 2013
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jasesapphy said:
She is very sexy and she has been the best thing about F1 this year
And then you went to specsavers. biggrin

Perry is an old granny, and has killed F1 on the BBC.


9,251 posts

169 months

Sunday 27th October 2013
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unexpectedly for me, I preferred the previous lad!


17,868 posts

168 months

Sunday 27th October 2013
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The men of India seemed to take a shine to her.


13,698 posts

250 months

Sunday 27th October 2013
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Chrisgr31 said:
But she is not there for detailed knowledge, they already have Lee, Eddie and DC for that, she is doing an anchor job, and I think is doing it well, and is gelling with the team
Are you sure you are watching the same thing most other people are?

She is most certainly not gelling with the team. Her co presenters all too often have to save her or correct her. EJ frequently corrects her and had to do so multiple times this weekend.

You can tell he doesn't respect her much , simply because she does not "get" F1 and isn't about to either.


13,917 posts

216 months

Monday 28th October 2013
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Not the original post I was expecting!

At today's race & forum I was thinking 'thank god for lee Mckenzie. Her Vettle interviews were great.

Suzy was just a rambling fool most of the time.

Damn jake was good!


12,344 posts

171 months

Monday 28th October 2013
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I think we were spoiled by how naturalistic Jake was. It seemed so effortless when he was doing it, yet now I see Perry floundering I realise it's not a simple job smile

McKenzie should've got the gig from the start though - can only assume the Beeb weren't happy about that little bit of extra weight she used to carry. Shame really because she is very good.