
Russian Rocket

Original Poster:

872 posts

239 months

Monday 5th September 2016
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Asteroid sample return mission due off 8th September 2016



Edited by Russian Rocket on Monday 5th September 21:40

Beati Dogu

8,997 posts

142 months

Tuesday 6th September 2016
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Yes, I mentioned it the other day. I'm following its progress on Twitter at the moment (NASA's public relation is second to none).

Hope it goes well.

Beati Dogu

8,997 posts

142 months

Tuesday 6th September 2016
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NASA video about the science behind this mission:


Beati Dogu

8,997 posts

142 months

Friday 9th September 2016
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Well it was launched and deployed OK, so some good news at least.



Love that engine start up sound.

This NASA JPL tracking webpage shows what dishes around the world are talking to what probe at any given time:


The OSIRIS-REx probe is called "ORX" on here.

Beati Dogu

8,997 posts

142 months

Friday 30th November 2018
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2 years on and OSIRIS-REx is about to intercept asteroid "Bennu" on Monday, Dec. 3 at approximately noon EST (5 pm UK)

It'll get close enough to reach out its robot arm and take samples from the surface.

NASA will be live streaming it.


Beati Dogu

8,997 posts

142 months

Tuesday 4th December 2018
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Quite a week for NASA - OSIRIS-REx has made it to the asteroid OK. It'll now map & scan the bejesus out of it from about 3 miles above, before they decide where to get up close & take a sample from the surface in July 2020.

This sample will ultimately be sent back to earth for analysis. Reentering the atmosphere in a protective capsule over the Utah desert in 2023.

They believe that asteroids like Bennu are formed from the same material that formed the planets. They're looking for amino acids, the basic building blocks of life.

Osiris was the ancient Egyptian god of the Underworld.

Beati Dogu

8,997 posts

142 months

Monday 19th October 2020
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Just over 4 years on from launch and the little OSIRIS-REx spacecraft is going to sneak up to the asteroid today and grab a sample from the surface.

If it fails to get enough material, they have sufficient nitrogen for 2 more attempts. Then it'll start the long 3 year journey home.

Eric Mc

122,399 posts

268 months

Wednesday 21st October 2020
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Looks like it all went well.

Beati Dogu

8,997 posts

142 months

Wednesday 21st October 2020
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Yes, quite a unique mission really.

I'll be the largest sample brought back to Earth since Apollo, according to Jim Bridenstine.

Video of the touch and go itself:


Edited by Beati Dogu on Wednesday 21st October 23:27


6,887 posts

254 months

Saturday 24th October 2020
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Doors is stuck open and the samples are drifting off into space

Eric Mc

122,399 posts

268 months

Saturday 24th October 2020
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Playing hard to get.

Beati Dogu

8,997 posts

142 months

Saturday 24th October 2020
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It’ll be ok. Seems the surface was much softer then they expected and the sampling arm punched in as much as half a meter.



19,434 posts

262 months

Friday 30th October 2020
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All sorted and on its way back.

Beati Dogu

8,997 posts

142 months

Tuesday 25th July 2023
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3 years on and the OSIRIS-REx return capsule is expected to arrive back on Earth on 24th September 2023.

It should re-enter and land under a parachute at the US Air Force's Utah Test and Training Range. Basically a huge desert area about 80 miles west of Salt Lake City.

Edited by Beati Dogu on Tuesday 25th July 20:10


2,967 posts

202 months

Wednesday 26th July 2023
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That's going to be a heck of an achievement when it's back and landed (well, it already is based on what it's done so far!)
The reliability of these experiments and things like the mars rovers is one of the most impressive things about these missions to me.

Beati Dogu

8,997 posts

142 months

Saturday 23rd September 2023
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The OSIRIS-REx return capsule is still on for its return to Earth on Sunday 24th Sept.

NASA will be covering it from 3pm UK time:


They'll also have a press conference at 5pm

OSIRIS-REx itself will be heading on to its next target, the asteroid Apophis, arriving in 2029.

Edited by Beati Dogu on Saturday 23 September 20:45

Eric Mc

122,399 posts

268 months

Saturday 23rd September 2023
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Hope to tune in for that.


307 posts

19 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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Eric Mc

122,399 posts

268 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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Live tracker


The re-entry module has been successfully separated from the main spacecraft.

Eric Mc

122,399 posts

268 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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15 minutes to atmospheric interface.
29 minutes to landing,