Was this recession engineered?



Original Poster:

1,492 posts

243 months

Friday 20th March 2009
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Just think about it, if you are a politician, or a snival servant cronie, what fantastic opportunities there are right now for a bargain. If you have a decent secure job, you are laughing right now.
What if the Labour politicians realised their term in office can only last so long no matter what they do, so why not engineer the recession? Get a few of the top snival servant cronies on board, turn a blind eye, or even encourage wreckless behaviour by the finanial institutions, and hey presto, a massive world wide recession which can be blamed on anyone but them. Now with their fat pay offs (curtesy of us dumb tax payers), go and bag a bargain, and you`re set up for life!

Am I being a bit too cynical??


5,957 posts

198 months

Friday 20th March 2009
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CTE said:
Just think about it, if you are a politician, or a snival servant cronie, what fantastic opportunities there are right now for a bargain. If you have a decent secure job, you are laughing right now.
What if the Labour politicians realised their term in office can only last so long no matter what they do, so why not engineer the recession? Get a few of the top snival servant cronies on board, turn a blind eye, or even encourage wreckless behaviour by the finanial institutions, and hey presto, a massive world wide recession which can be blamed on anyone but them. Now with their fat pay offs (curtesy of us dumb tax payers), go and bag a bargain, and you`re set up for life!

Am I being a bit too cynical??
Time for the tin hat?

Sounds a bit far fetched to me. Incompetence, yes, deliberate? No.


2,616 posts

215 months

Friday 20th March 2009
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For Pie & Piston forum surely?



16,160 posts

193 months

Friday 20th March 2009
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Your conspiracy theory is critically flawed.

Your average politician has the intellectual capacity roughly equal to smoked salmon and they have approximately the same amount of "forward thinking".

Edited by G_T on Friday 20th March 14:53


3,728 posts

189 months

Friday 20th March 2009
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I blame the Jews.


Hang on, I meant the Illuminati.

Actually, it was the Anteaters.

Or the Ocelots.

BarStewards, the lot of 'em.


5,153 posts

195 months

Friday 20th March 2009
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Engineered suggests that there was some design development and manufacture ?


16,160 posts

193 months

Friday 20th March 2009
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Mr POD said:
Engineered suggests that there was some design development and manufacture ?
Hovering around with a thesaurus again are we?

"Miss, Miss look he made a mistake and never noticed! Aren't I clever?!" biggrin


31,319 posts

244 months

Friday 20th March 2009
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Engineered? I wouldn't think so.

I'd suggest it's come about through our piss poor education system and the recruitment and working practices of financial institutions that have come about because the employees have been through our piss poor education system.

So yes. The Goverments of current and past generations have engineered this, in the same way falling over while blind drunk engineers a great big bruise on your head. Stupidity and inattention.


70,127 posts

232 months

Friday 20th March 2009
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No it was not engineered. Remember that a politician will do anything to stay in power. F***ng up the entire country is not a good way to do this..


16,837 posts

265 months

Friday 20th March 2009
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It has certainly screwed the SNP's fiscal planning that's for sure...........................

Simpo Two

86,022 posts

268 months

Friday 20th March 2009
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Munter said:
Stupidity and inattention.
And failure to observe history. The finanical smart-asses out-clevered themselves and it all imploded, and politicians are too dumb to be anywhere near close.


32,414 posts

207 months

Friday 20th March 2009
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G_T said:
Your conspiracy theory is critically flawed.

Your average politician has the intellectual capacity roughly equal to smoked salmon and they have approximately the same amount of "forward thinking".
I object to that as i belive it is insulting and degrading

To the salmon


4,592 posts

241 months

Friday 20th March 2009
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Engineered initially no!.
Exasperated,Exaggerated,Manipulated,Influenced, Utilised by our own media to drive this countries reputation to the dog's yes.
I have no doubt that our wonderful free press have cost us all billions of pounds with the never ending quest for the st end of the stick and waving it at the rest of the world.
It's no wonder the IMF say we will be the last of recession, it's because we all to busy throwing st at each other.


738 posts

203 months

Friday 20th March 2009
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It's all the Rothschild's big plan to make even more money for themselves!!

The Hypno-Toad

12,487 posts

208 months

Friday 20th March 2009
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There is a group of people who really run the world. Some of them are bankers, some of them are media barons, some of them actually are presidents and prime ministers. They decided that it was time of a recession and engineered it. The reason was simple.
Because of their human rights record and the monumental cock up which has been the West's policy in Iraq and Afghanistan they knew that this time around, short of nuking Disneyland, they had no chance of being re elected. However by this time they had made so much from rebuilding contracts & the stock market that they need to make sure that their vast fortunes were worth even more. Therefore what they had to do was to make sure that they made an already unliked woman President. This part of the plan went wrong but then it went right in the best possible way. Instead of being able to say "Look what happens when you elect a woman," they can now say "Look what happens when you elect a black guy," In both cases they can still say "Better vote for the nice safe white man again in four years time to look after your money,"
However what they didn't expect was that this recession would actually runaway with itself. They had planned to get one which would last for long enough to find a candidate who they would be sure would win in four years time. However now I would imagine that they are planning a return in eight years time so that they miss most of the flak.
Clever how BLiar quit just before the pooh hit the rotary circulation device....scratchchin
Funny how Mandy is drafted back into the cabinet, despite the fact that One-eye hates him, just as the recession really kicks in... scratchchin
Its almost as if him and BLiar belonged to an organisation that was working behind the scenes, that One-eye is not a member of who wanted Mandy to the steady the ship now things have got out of hand....scratchchin

I'm also willing to bet that BLiar didn't have any of his vast fortune in the banks....

Am I serious or am I tinfoil helmet? You decide. I'll be over in the corner with me Pot Noodle...

Edited by The Hypno-Toad on Friday 20th March 20:30


9,642 posts

261 months

Friday 20th March 2009
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I think it was planned. So all of a sudden the Euro matches the pound and the dollar is catching up fast.. hmmm, that's not a cooincedence is it?


26 posts

188 months

Saturday 21st March 2009
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richinleeds said:
It's all the Rothschild's big plan to make even more money for themselves!!


133 posts

209 months

Saturday 21st March 2009
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Have a look at this. Try not to be put off by the uber geek presenting it, it is actually quite interesting... nerd



1,144 posts

196 months

Saturday 21st March 2009
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Not a conspiracy theorist but I am sure the BBC and SKY are not telling us the whole truth


14,350 posts

200 months

Saturday 21st March 2009
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Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity, as they say.