Gordon Brown in Interview Truth Shocker!!

Gordon Brown in Interview Truth Shocker!!



Original Poster:

1,020 posts

241 months


483 posts

196 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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Excellent post!


92 posts

185 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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clap nice work


24,438 posts

231 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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Love it smile


24,980 posts

237 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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like it


1,159 posts

215 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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Very Good!

Martial Arts Man

6,614 posts

189 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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Mr Frisby, you are a genius.

"Last King of Scotland" rofl


4,363 posts

209 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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Great stuff.

Also, have a look at this letter to Brown sent this February, I wonder if he read it laugh



63 posts

198 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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in the words of Homer Simpson

"Its funny cos its true"

or notcry


2,758 posts

200 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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Excellent, although I wanted to smash my computer screen lol


11,249 posts

285 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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pretty tiresome all this mudslinging and blaming

Cameron would have been even worse.. at least Brown has actually shown some staunch confidence and actually got up on an international stage and said and done something.

Since when has any PM in your lifetime been any good ? Since when has any PM made mostly fabulous decisions ?

Interestingly, about the only PM some people would say that about was Thatcher but ironically she was the one who started the ball rolling with her deregulation, entrepreneurialism amd privatisation. She was the most rotten egg of all. Opinions could never be more polarised... ask any miner !

Wake up people... the daily papers are working you like a mindless lump of play-doh. The out of control derivatives market combined with Clintons wonderful social engineering, Bush's consolidation of that, combined with the US housing crash combined with the nature of deregulated banking in teh last 30 years or more means that whoever was at the helm 2007, from Brown to Blair to Ghandi, we'd still be in exactly the same mess. Ignorant and disrespectful comments from Clarkson (who at a real anoraks level, probably knows compartively little about cars let alone politics) only serve to inform the youth of today that somehow its OK to go around insulting people with whatever names you like, even if those names refer to a disability or an impediment of some kind.

Edited by jackal on Sunday 8th March 16:25


104,961 posts

263 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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jackal said:
Cameron would have been even worse...

Comedy sure is better than mudslinging.

Martial Arts Man

6,614 posts

189 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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jackal said:
pretty tiresome all this mudslinging and blaming

Cameron would have been even worse.. at least Brown has actually shown some staunch confidence and actually got up on an international stage and said and done something.

Since when has any PM in your lifetime been any good ? Since when has any PM made mostly fabulous decisions ?

Interestingly, about the only PM some people would say that about was Thatcher but ironically she was the one who started the ball rolling with her deregulation, entrepreneurialism amd privatisation. She was the most rotten egg of all. Opinions could never be more polarised... ask any miner !

Wake up people... the daily papers are working you like a mindless lump of play-doh.

Edited by jackal on Sunday 8th March 15:52

Edited by jackal on Sunday 8th March 16:19
Interesting logic..... smile


3,274 posts

186 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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Thank you guys, for a great afternoon laugh. Brown just keeps on getting better and better.smile


11,249 posts

285 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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Martial Arts Man said:
jackal said:
pretty tiresome all this mudslinging and blaming

Cameron would have been even worse.. at least Brown has actually shown some staunch confidence and actually got up on an international stage and said and done something.

Since when has any PM in your lifetime been any good ? Since when has any PM made mostly fabulous decisions ?

Interestingly, about the only PM some people would say that about was Thatcher but ironically she was the one who started the ball rolling with her deregulation, entrepreneurialism amd privatisation. She was the most rotten egg of all. Opinions could never be more polarised... ask any miner !

Wake up people... the daily papers are working you like a mindless lump of play-doh.

Edited by jackal on Sunday 8th March 15:52

Edited by jackal on Sunday 8th March 16:19
Interesting logic..... smile
yep, a bit better than:

"I'm skint and newspaper blames Govt. so I will as well"

don't you think ?


21 posts

268 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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jackal said:
pretty tiresome all this mudslinging and blaming

Thatcher but ironically she was the one who started the ball rolling with her deregulation, entrepreneurialism amd privatisation. She was the most rotten egg of all.

so it's okay to blame someone who was last in power nearly twenty years ago, but not the person who has been chancellor for the last ten years and is now prime minister?

I utterly cannot understand people who defend Gordon Brown. It amazes me. What about the gold reserves? Pensions? 10p tax rate? enormous increase in borrowing? "I've abolished boom and bust"? his embarrassing grovelling to Obama? knighthood for kennedy?

God the list goes on and on. Really, never mind mudslinging he's bloody lucky he's still alive. As much as i didn't like Tony Blair (or John Major) they weren't as outstandingly incompetent as this muppet.

I'm almost embarrassed to be scottish.

Still no doubt Cameron would be worse and there's no point voting for anybody, let them get on with it, do what they like. Yeah, great attitude to life that is.


2,145 posts

211 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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Yes all this mudslinging is tiresome, Brown and his team need to stop doing it and get on with running the country. Then again given the job he has done so far ...


11,249 posts

285 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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gumball said:
As much as i didn't like Tony Blair (or John Major)
QED yes

And why is he lucky to be alive ? Is someone going to kill him ? A ninja of some sort ?
Some big lads from your local ? An iranian freedom fighter ?

I'm only defnding him in the sense that everything Credit Crunch related gets blamed on him. I don't even especially agree with him and his politics. But I just can't bear the fickle brainwashed nature of the populus. They all loved Blair but by the time he left and Iraq had happened and the papers had kicked up their storm it was like he had never ever done one single thing right. Most of these punters wouldn't even have the mental capacity to understand the real mechanics of the current economic situation and how it came about, never mind anything else. The depth of their understanding is to just blame Bush and Brown. Just pathetic.

Edited by jackal on Sunday 8th March 16:57


3,274 posts

186 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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jackal said:
gumball said:
As much as i didn't like Tony Blair (or John Major)
QED yes

And why is he lucky to be alive ? Is someone going to kill him ? A ninja of some sort ?
Some big lads from your local ? An iranian freedom fighter ?

I'm only defnding him in the sense that everything Credit Crunch related gets blamed on him. I don't even especially agree with him and his politics. But I just can't bear the fickle brainwashed nature of the populus. They all loved Blair but by the time he left and Iraq had happened and the papers had kicked up their storm it was like he had never ever done one single thing right. Most of these punters wouldn't even have the mental capacity to understand the real mechanics of the current economic situation and how it came about, never mind anything else. The depth of their understanding is to just blame Bush and Brown. Just pathetic.

Edited by jackal on Sunday 8th March 16:57
Now now, Mr. Jackal, We all know it's America's fault. You know the more I repeat it, the more plausible it sounds. Problem is.....the facts keep getting in the way.

Couldn't we get Gordon to stand for President of the UN, so his world saving prowess will not be lost to humanity when we kick his sorry ass out of Govt next year.

Martial Arts Man

6,614 posts

189 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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jackal said:
Martial Arts Man said:
jackal said:
pretty tiresome all this mudslinging and blaming

Cameron would have been even worse.. at least Brown has actually shown some staunch confidence and actually got up on an international stage and said and done something.

Since when has any PM in your lifetime been any good ? Since when has any PM made mostly fabulous decisions ?

Interestingly, about the only PM some people would say that about was Thatcher but ironically she was the one who started the ball rolling with her deregulation, entrepreneurialism amd privatisation. She was the most rotten egg of all. Opinions could never be more polarised... ask any miner !

Wake up people... the daily papers are working you like a mindless lump of play-doh.

Edited by jackal on Sunday 8th March 15:52

Edited by jackal on Sunday 8th March 16:19
Interesting logic..... smile
yep, a bit better than:

"I'm skint and newspaper blames Govt. so I will as well"

don't you think ?
Why do you think the newspapers blame the Gov't?

I can't wait to hear your answer.....