The most disturbing TV advert ever!!

The most disturbing TV advert ever!!



Original Poster:

202 posts

208 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
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OK, so here i am watching the Smartest kids in the world in Channel 4 and during the break there is a new cadburys advert - you know the one... Two kids sat in front of a photographers sheet, then the muzac starts and their eyebrows start giving it heaps.. Is it just me or does anyone else find this ad very disturbing?





568 posts

227 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
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Search first did you?


7,134 posts

214 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
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I'm sure i've seen a thread about this advertisement before somewhere.

If only I could remember where.


1,922 posts

207 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
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When I saw the thread title.......I just knew.


Original Poster:

202 posts

208 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
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nope.. saw the add and felt compelled to write!!

Delete if necessary!!


57 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
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Nope, this is the most disturbing.


Original Poster:

202 posts

208 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
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Yeah ok you win, that is fked up!!

Although i don't know if it is valid seeing how my thread was a blatant re-ee-post!!!!

Mobile Chicane

20,920 posts

215 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
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boyner said:
nope.. saw the add and felt compelled to write!!

Delete if necessary!!
Do you work for their ad agency?

Not that I'm cynical or anything... rolleyes


2,597 posts

222 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
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It's like Cadburys have mistaken a crack and LSD addled junkie tramp for their advertising consultant and he's just taken advantage of them.

Cadburys exec: 'We need something groundbreaking and we've approached your company for ideas. What can you do for us?'

Junkie tramp: 'Yeah, like, kids with waggly eyes an sum sort of sinfysizer music, all sort of wagglin to the music and that. Big drummer monkey golrilla wi Phil Collins music. Racin trucks wot you ave at airports, but yer cant see't dwivers, like in that film wi Milio Estefez from't eighties. Proper wizard. Got any ciggies mate?'.


1,304 posts

214 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
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oobster said:
I'm sure i've seen a thread about this advertisement before somewhere.

If only I could remember where.
here Cadbury Advert


Original Poster:

202 posts

208 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
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Do i work for them? Yeah fully, that's why i didn't search for the original thread and thought that by starting my own thread i would get more recognition for the genius of the ad... fk me!!!!!
This was the first thread i have ever started.. it will probably be the last!! no real loss there tho!!


2,920 posts

194 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
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boyner said:
Do i work for them? Yeah fully, that's why i didn't search for the original thread and thought that by starting my own thread i would get more recognition for the genius of the ad... fk me!!!!!
This was the first thread i have ever started.. it will probably be the last!! no real loss there tho!!
Just learn how to use a forum rolleyes


568 posts

227 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
quotequote all
boyner said:
Do i work for them? Yeah fully, that's why i didn't search for the original thread and thought that by starting my own thread i would get more recognition for the genius of the ad... fk me!!!!!
This was the first thread i have ever started.. it will probably be the last!! no real loss there tho!!
Chill Dude....just use the search next silly.


Original Poster:

202 posts

208 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
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point taken smile


3,728 posts

189 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
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Oh dear God.

Tell you what, write to Richard Branson complaining about it.

That would be fking hilarious.

Edited by G'kar on Wednesday 28th January 22:46


11,249 posts

285 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
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boyner said:
OK, so here i am watching the Smartest kids in the world in Channel 4 and during the break there is a new cadburys advert - you know the one... Two kids sat in front of a photographers sheet, then the muzac starts and their eyebrows start giving it heaps.. Is it just me or does anyone else find this ad very disturbing?



that'll be the work of Juan Cabral
tt of the year IMO... the last one with the vehicles on the airport runway was pathetic in the extreme, just terrible direction IMO. He should stick to ideas.

Adrian W

14,162 posts

231 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
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The Ribina ad i just saw was a bit odd, stuff that looked like blood everywhere

Mobile Chicane

20,920 posts

215 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
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jackal said:
boyner said:
OK, so here i am watching the Smartest kids in the world in Channel 4 and during the break there is a new cadburys advert - you know the one... Two kids sat in front of a photographers sheet, then the muzac starts and their eyebrows start giving it heaps.. Is it just me or does anyone else find this ad very disturbing?



that'll be the work of Juan Cabral
tt of the year IMO... the last one with the vehicles on the airport runway was pathetic in the extreme, just terrible direction IMO. He should stick to ideas.
I think they're st as well. Bears all the hallmarks of a junior brand manager du jour having been taken in by the planners at the ad agency.

And I quote:

"Laurence Green, planning director of Fallon, the advertising agency behind the ad said: "Chocolate is about joy and pleasure. For years Cadbury has told us that it was generous, through the glass and a half strap line. We thought, don't tell us how generous you are; show us. Don't tell us about joy; show us joy."



11,249 posts

285 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
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juan is the creative director though of the agency and they all thionk the sun shines out of his behind

he's a talented guy, no doubt about it (Sony balls and Sony paint were genius)
i've handled some of his treatments and ideas as all his work gets put through my old company

but all the signs are that he should stick to writing and not directing
the Gorilla was kind of a conceptual masterstroke in a dying age of TV adevrtising but since then its all gone a bit embarrasing IMO

Edited by jackal on Wednesday 28th January 22:54


12,955 posts

235 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
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Can't say I'm a big fan of that sex and the stty one.

You know, the with the SATC-alike women sat round the table discussing stool softeners like they're the latest must have fashion accessory.

"Christ almighty girls! Just been to the kronker and I'll be darned if it feels like someones emptied half a ton of Blue Circle cement up me jacksy."

"Try this. It'll see you right in no time. Loosened me up in an hour, like farm slurry it was. fking brilliant"

Or something like that...