Reg's Youtube thread


Reg Local

Original Poster:

2,688 posts

211 months

Sunday 8th May 2016
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I'll start off with my latest upload - Overtaking:


508 posts

237 months

Monday 9th May 2016
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Excellent to see some of the principles being demonstrated, to back up the descriptions in the book!

My late dad was also a police advanced driver, and he tried to instill some of the basic principles into me and my brother as we were learning. The main skill that was really evident in his driving, and that I can see in your videos is that the system allows you to compute everything that is happening, but to deliver a drive that is extremely smooth, while making good progress on the road.

I think I will be using these and the book to try and regain some of that seemingly effortless smoothness, which is easily lost as the bad habits creep in - following position for an overtake is a definite case in point where giving yourself the space to get the view will give you more opportunities, and make the ones that you take smoother and safer.

I will be watching with interest - and doing my best to apply it to!


33,571 posts

215 months

Monday 9th May 2016
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What! More stuff for me to learn?
I thought I'd've known everything by now.


222 posts

118 months

Monday 9th May 2016
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One thing I was taught by an ex Police Advanced instructor is to work out how long an overtake will take you, in terms of time (for me it's about 4 seconds at 50). If you don't take an overtake for whatever reason, then count the time until the oncoming traffic / hazard goes past the vehicle you were planning to overtake and and see if it was twice the time you needed. This way, you develop an appreciation of the distances involved and it may be that more opportunities to overtake become apparent.

Of course, avoiding a "confrontational overtake" where you may have to indicate that you're moving back in or it's a little tighter than planned is always a good thing...

Edited by dvenman on Wednesday 11th May 08:18


1,222 posts

129 months

Wednesday 11th May 2016
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Excellent and informative as always Reg. I nicked this from the dashcam video thread, but it stood out as a textbook example of 'looking with your right foot' (not to mention being so close to a heavy you've no chance to get a view before emerging)...

Click me.

Ouch. frown


2,689 posts

182 months

Wednesday 11th May 2016
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I enjoyed the video. However I question how safe the overtake was at around 20 minutes. At the point you commit to the overtake there is a slow warning sign on the road and some hazard warning sign on the verge (can't read it clearly on the video) .
I'd suggest that it is never sensible to overtake across a junction/ exit (looks like a garden centre in this case). The car emerging was largely unsighted as you start the overtake. What if they had been turning right??

Edited by ds666 on Thursday 12th May 09:37


4,314 posts

160 months

Friday 13th May 2016
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ds666 said:
I enjoyed the video. However I question how safe the overtake was at around 20 minutes. At the point you commit to the overtake there is a slow warning sign on the road and some hazard warning sign on the verge (can't read it clearly on the video) .
I'd suggest that it is never sensible to overtake across a junction/ exit (looks like a garden centre in this case). The car emerging was largely unsighted as you start the overtake. What if they had been turning right??

Edited by ds666 on Thursday 12th May 09:37
It's past here. An overtake in the same place features on the Classic Reg overtaking video, though from a little further back.,-2.57078...

The buildings to the left and the rise of the bridge to seem to obscure the view a little bit. The guy in the junction looked positioned to turn left and pulling out in that moment would have conflicted with the green Suzuki. I suppose there was always the option to move in behind the Suzuki if it looked like he was going to pull out.

Reg Local

Original Poster:

2,688 posts

211 months

Saturday 14th May 2016
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Blakewater said:
ds666 said:
I enjoyed the video. However I question how safe the overtake was at around 20 minutes. At the point you commit to the overtake there is a slow warning sign on the road and some hazard warning sign on the verge (can't read it clearly on the video) .
I'd suggest that it is never sensible to overtake across a junction/ exit (looks like a garden centre in this case). The car emerging was largely unsighted as you start the overtake. What if they had been turning right??

Edited by ds666 on Thursday 12th May 09:37
It's past here. An overtake in the same place features on the Classic Reg overtaking video, though from a little further back.,-2.57078...

The buildings to the left and the rise of the bridge to seem to obscure the view a little bit. The guy in the junction looked positioned to turn left and pulling out in that moment would have conflicted with the green Suzuki. I suppose there was always the option to move in behind the Suzuki if it looked like he was going to pull out.
Sorry - I missed this question when it was posted.

As Blakewater pointed out, there were a couple of "alternative options" available. If there's a junction ahead, your plan should be to either wait until you're past it or complete the overtake before you get to it. "complete the overtake" doesn't necessarily mean you should have returned fully to the nearside - just that you should be fully past the overtaken vehicle with enough time to return to the nearside if necessary.

In this case, option 1 was to pull in between the first overtaken vehicle (my Dad!) and the second one. After moving out to pass Dad, it was clear that the second one was on, and it was also clear from his positioning and actions that the vehicle in the junction was:

a) intending to turn left, and;

b) not pulling out (no movement from the vehicle & the driver was looking in our direction).

It was clear I could be past the Suzuki well before the junction, and to compensate for the vehicle waiting to emerge, I stayed offside, so that, even if he had pulled out, we would not have come into conflict.

Reg Local

Original Poster:

2,688 posts

211 months

Wednesday 18th May 2016
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Just uploaded my latest video - Steering:

Dr Mike Oxgreen

4,162 posts

168 months

Thursday 19th May 2016
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Great stuff, as ever!

The opening music does make it sound like a documentary about paedophiles, or about drug gangs. hehe

I'm curious about the term "rotational steering". I had always used that term to refer to the "hand-over-hand" technique where your arms cross. A quick Google reveals a roughly 50:50 split between people using the term in that way versus people using it the way Reg has used it to refer to what I call "fixed hand" steering.


1,222 posts

129 months

Thursday 19th May 2016
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Dr Mike Oxgreen said:
Great stuff, as ever!

The opening music does make it sound like a documentary about paedophiles,...


Good stuff as ever, Reg. I'm liking the website, but did you know the 'videos' graphic link on the home page (when you scroll down) is missing a picture? The other three section links have pics which are also clickable, but the videos one is blank. I thought the page wasn't made yet at first, until I realised the text was clickable as well (and there's a link at the top). Just in case you missed it mate.

Reg Local

Original Poster:

2,688 posts

211 months

Thursday 19th May 2016
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Dr Mike Oxgreen said:
Great stuff, as ever!

The opening music does make it sound like a documentary about paedophiles, or about drug gangs. hehe

I'm curious about the term "rotational steering". I had always used that term to refer to the "hand-over-hand" technique where your arms cross. A quick Google reveals a roughly 50:50 split between people using the term in that way versus people using it the way Reg has used it to refer to what I call "fixed hand" steering.
Yeah - music choice isn't easy. My original choice felt like it was writing a cheque the video couldn't cash. You can thank Mrs Local for picking the new one, which is called "Spaghetti Guitar in Space". It'll do for now.

For me, rotational steering means keeping a fixed grip on the wheel throughout most steering inputs, but if you need more than 180 degrees of lock, you'll need to remove one hand and then cross over in a "hand-over-hand" style. So for me, both of your descriptions are correct.

rainmakerraw said:
Good stuff as ever, Reg. I'm liking the website, but did you know the 'videos' graphic link on the home page (when you scroll down) is missing a picture? The other three section links have pics which are also clickable, but the videos one is blank. I thought the page wasn't made yet at first, until I realised the text was clickable as well (and there's a link at the top). Just in case you missed it mate.
Thanks for the heads-up. The icon was working fine for me from a number of different connections - perhaps it's an issue at your end? I've edited the site and replaced the icon with a different one, so we'll see if that works.


1,222 posts

129 months

Thursday 19th May 2016
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Reg Local said:
Thanks for the heads-up. The icon was working fine for me from a number of different connections - perhaps it's an issue at your end? I've edited the site and replaced the icon with a different one, so we'll see if that works.
Working fine now Reg, as is my end! tongue out

Len Woodman

168 posts

116 months

Friday 20th May 2016
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Another good couple of videos.

Here in Australia the road rules state that we MUST ALWAYS signal when changing direction. Result is that most drivers flick on a signal as an afterthought to cover themselves. This is most prevalent when crossing the Sydney Harbour Bridge which I do daily.

On overtaking - the biggest challenge here is trying to find someone to overtake on open, empty rural roads!

Thanks - are you going to do any in-town videos?

Reg Local

Original Poster:

2,688 posts

211 months

Friday 20th May 2016
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Len Woodman said:
Thanks - are you going to do any in-town videos?
Yes, it's on the list!


43 posts

110 months

Wednesday 25th May 2016
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Watched your "Cornering" youtube video.

I very much enjoyed, and am trying to incorporate into my driving mussel memory, your concept of the "Limit Point".

I am embarrassed to say that this was/is a new concept to me that I had not considered before.

It is forcing me to look further down the road, and have a better understanding of what the road is about to present.


Noble M12 GTO 3R in the USA

Edited by doug_porsche on Wednesday 25th May 23:12

Edited by doug_porsche on Wednesday 25th May 23:13

Reg Local

Original Poster:

2,688 posts

211 months

Wednesday 25th May 2016
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No worries Doug. I've spent the last few evenings editing a new cornering video which should be ready to upload some time tomorrow. I'll update this thread when it's available.

Reg Local

Original Poster:

2,688 posts

211 months

Thursday 26th May 2016
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As above - just uploaded my latest video - Cornering Revisited:

Following on from my first video and some of the comments relating to offside position, this one was filmed on a road with a much wider variety of corners with differing views on approach.


8,369 posts

198 months

Friday 27th May 2016
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Nice video, what time of day was it to be so traffic free? Have you got any tips for dealing with night time driving as I seem to find oncoming vehicles' headlights are incredibly bright nowadays and can be almost blinding?


7,003 posts

102 months

Friday 27th May 2016
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greygoose said:
Nice video, what time of day was it to be so traffic free? Have you got any tips for dealing with night time driving as I seem to find oncoming vehicles' headlights are incredibly bright nowadays and can be almost blinding?
I'd also love a video about night driving, specifically night anticipation and also safely performing most daytime manoeuvres whilst in the dark with some degree of safety considering the darkness and lack of visibility.