Pirbright Bends



Original Poster:

1,045 posts

201 months

Wednesday 27th October 2021
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Best get out there and enjoy it quickly...


8,083 posts

216 months

Thursday 28th October 2021
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Meh. The limit's been dropped there for long enough and everyone knows there's rarely any enforcement so those that wanted to speed (excessively i'll add) or drive badly just carried on as they did before, which nearly always leads to a further, more permanent, enforcement somewhere down the line. Not massively surprising, plus average cams seem to be popping up quite a bit around this way now, A31 Guildford bound with plans for Farnham bound in '22, those then tie in with the A3 Guildford stretch, possibility of another set on the A331 to Aldershot once the roundabout at the Hog's Back gets rebuilt, and there's always been the suggestion they'd end up on the Blackwater Valley from The Meadows to M3 when they dropped to 50.

But it is interesting that they've referenced the fact the speed will be a constant 40 rather than seeing if they could push for a blanket 30 and also noting that some of the current 30 stretch will be raised to 40 (although some 30's will be slightly extended - tbh i'm not sure i've ever seen anyone trying to push 40+ round that tight bend at the barracks as claimed on the article). Shame about losing the remaining 60 on the stretch that runs past the ranges, but I'll be honest, i was always surprised they never dropped that to 40 at the same time as the rest all those years ago.

In any case, i doubt it will change driving much down there. The last few times i've driven the stretch from the barracks to the Brookwood / Pirbright railway tunnel during the day, i've usually been glad if i made it over a constant 30 seeing as how that stretch seems to have become a go to for learners both in liveried & parental cars.

One thing i did find interesting on the link above. They say it's to tackle dangerous driving, but seem to have made sure the photo op pic features a heavily modded car clearly in the background, quietly suggesting to anyone reading that's the root cause - even though most of the bad driving / speeding i've seen down there over my many years of driving since the late '90's is normally courtesy of all kinds of vehicles not just the performance / modified kind. One of my old college mates crashed his mums Corsa into a tree on the bends back in '97 - and that was a 1.1, whilst he was drunk, doing less than 40 back when it was a 60 limit - idiot.

Edited by AlexRS2782 on Thursday 28th October 01:07

Terminator X

15,389 posts

207 months

Thursday 28th October 2021
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One fatal accident in 5 years, seems a tad OTT to me and presumably at significant (taxpayer?) expense.


Edit - revenue from SAC's, interesting!

"Having one limit throughout will allow enforcement through average speed cameras, to be installed within the next five months.

The £300,000 cameras are being funded by Surrey Police with revenue from speed awareness courses."


233 posts

177 months

Thursday 28th October 2021
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Will be interesting to see how many and where they put them, it still might allow people to give it some beans through some of the bends aslong as they ease up between the cameras, so no doubt there will still be accidents.


1,402 posts

231 months

Thursday 28th October 2021
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That whole thing frustrates me; any crashes I've seen on there have been bad driving rather than excessive speed. NSL is fine as long as you use appropriate speed for conditions etc. etc. etc.



1,070 posts

242 months

Thursday 28th October 2021
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Most cars seem to be in the ditches on greasy, wet or icy mornings, even the 30 limit made no difference to this as the corners are quite sharp.

Mr Tidy

23,046 posts

130 months

Thursday 28th October 2021
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I used to love that stretch of road especially when I had my 2.8i Capri back in the late 80s. Plenty of scope for some fun and in several years I was never close to leaving the road!

A shame it's getting dumbed down like so many roads in the area when cars are far more capable these days.

But I suppose it's because the drivers aren't! banghead


18,504 posts

209 months

Friday 29th October 2021
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It was me who got the limit reduced to a 30 from a 40 on Gole Road ( Brookwood end ) when we lived in the railway cottages around 10 years ago. I put a case to the council and tallied a load of signatures from residents, presenting it to them at one of their monthly meetings.

Ironic then that I have continued to enjoy the bends ever since, and even more so since I moved away from there in 2016. Like others have said it is my go to place to go for a drive as there is zero enforcement along there.

Wherever they put in cameras, will just cause people to go and drive elsewhere. There are unlimited routes around Elstead, Tilford, The Sands and Farnham that just like the bends have no cameras, no enforcement and no potential for enforcement either.


4,572 posts

204 months

Friday 29th October 2021
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The data doesn't appear to back the cameras - what an odd place to put them, no properties along the road (until you get into the 30 zone at Brookwood end) and no pedestrians. Since the limits have dropped from national to 40/30, I've not seen any cars in the scenery, it was relatively common before.

I regularly cycle the road (as well as drive) and having average cameras is going to make for slow and more dangerous overtakes I think - especially as over a KM of it is double white lines.

I don't even think its a money spinner, it's not a super fast bit of road anyhow.

When there aren't even pedestrian crossings outside local schools (despite years of campaigning), but they can put average speed cameras on a deserted country road - you really do have to wonder if people in power have banged their heads, or simply don't care.

Mr Tidy

23,046 posts

130 months

Saturday 30th October 2021
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Armchair_Expert said:
It was me who got the limit reduced to a 30 from a 40 on Gole Road ( Brookwood end ) when we lived in the railway cottages around 10 years ago. I put a case to the council and tallied a load of signatures from residents, presenting it to them at one of their monthly meetings.

Ironic then that I have continued to enjoy the bends ever since, and even more so since I moved away from there in 2016. Like others have said it is my go to place to go for a drive as there is zero enforcement along there.

Wherever they put in cameras, will just cause people to go and drive elsewhere. There are unlimited routes around Elstead, Tilford, The Sands and Farnham that just like the bends have no cameras, no enforcement and no potential for enforcement either.
Thanks for that Mr Nimby. banghead

At least you won't be able to enjoy them for much longer, and how long will it be until the whiners like you in Elstead, Tilford, The Sands and Farnham get together to spoil your fun? Killjoy!


9,264 posts

254 months

Sunday 31st October 2021
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Most of the cars I've seen in ditches have been fairly normal mundane cars not what you would consider an enthusiast type car. I drove those sections almost daily when I lived in Frimley and Farnborough. Ironically the only time I've come close to having a real incident was when I was on my moped and I thought I was carrying too much speed on the wet road on the bend by Deepcut and slithered off on the wet leaves and tipped over on the boggy side. I scratched my helmet but dusted myself down and picked up the moped and carried on my way to Guildford biggrin


15,745 posts

237 months

Tuesday 2nd November 2021
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All it takes is one NIMBY councillor to think 'This will be good for votes' and that's it. Unless you are really lucky or up early you're mostly stuck behind someone doing 3-4o mph anyway. What a waste of £300k!

Where are they going to be? Surely not across all of it?


15,745 posts

237 months

Tuesday 2nd November 2021
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Armchair_Expert said:
It was me who got the limit reduced to a 30 from a 40 on Gole Road ( Brookwood end ) when we lived in the railway cottages around 10 years ago. I put a case to the council and tallied a load of signatures from residents, presenting it to them at one of their monthly meetings.
And what difference did that make? I remember the change but ignored it the same as everyone else seemed to.


18,504 posts

209 months

Tuesday 2nd November 2021
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A fairly large difference to be fair, we were almost killed numerous times crossing the road to the car, or trying to walk our kids in prams to and from the car.

The issue was and still is people who overtake at speed - the speed is one thing however when you are pulling out from the parking strip and checking your offside mirror, to be confronted by an overtaking car head on at 60 mph it's only a matter of time. Loading the car, having people round, and general shopping carrying became near lethal experiences. So yes, it was worthwhile by the houses as it should always have been a 30 zone owing to the rich tapestry of hazards combined with the lure of temptation which leads inexperienced, poor judging and over testorone fueled drivers to behave like dimwits next to people homes.

We were there for 5 years, enjoyed it, but would never live anywhere like it ever again. As for the rest of the bends, the uninhabited, military land surrounded, hazard devoid and lamp post empty woodland - I will continue to enjoy it muchly.


2,056 posts

200 months

Tuesday 2nd November 2021
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Dangerous stretch, trouble is the locals know it and agree when it's wet and slippery the accidents happen.... I had to follow my biz partner in his vroom vroom focus cc! In my 400/400 evo and called him a mentalist, just kept up....nasty but fun bit of road with zero run off.


6,759 posts

208 months

Wednesday 10th November 2021
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Not surprised tbh I witnessed two people leaving the road whilst approaching a bend , had I been further down the road it would have been a new bike time, to my mind it's the tightening radius bends which catch alot of people out certainly the first time I ever rode a motorbike on them they were..... surprisingly tight...


478 posts

200 months

Sunday 5th December 2021
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Saw a convoy on Deepcut Bridge Road an hour ago on my walk, anyone here ? Was too far from home to jump in my car and join the drive smile


3,900 posts

110 months

Sunday 5th December 2021
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Slightly off topic.

I used to drive those bends everyday on the way to work in the mid 80's. One icy morning I was following a nice shiny audio coupe thing round the bends, on an icy bit he slid off into the ditch and ended up almost upside down. I rushed over to see if he was OK. Took one look inside and it appeared to be carnage with blood everywhere. He said he was OK, but I was not convinced. Then he said he was fine but the pasta in tomato sauce his wife had prepared for his lunch and he had put on the passenger seat had wrecked the inside of the car smile Gave him a lift to work, so he could sort it out in the warm.


6,759 posts

208 months

Sunday 5th December 2021
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ARHarh said:
Slightly off topic.

I used to drive those bends everyday on the way to work in the mid 80's. One icy morning I was following a nice shiny audio coupe thing round the bends, on an icy bit he slid off into the ditch and ended up almost upside down. I rushed over to see if he was OK. Took one look inside and it appeared to be carnage with blood everywhere. He said he was OK, but I was not convinced. Then he said he was fine but the pasta in tomato sauce his wife had prepared for his lunch and he had put on the passenger seat had wrecked the inside of the car smile Gave him a lift to work, so he could sort it out in the warm.
Isn't that the plot of Memphis belle .......


15,745 posts

237 months

Monday 6th December 2021
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ARHarh said:
Slightly off topic.

I used to drive those bends everyday on the way to work in the mid 80's. One icy morning I was following a nice shiny audio coupe thing round the bends, on an icy bit he slid off into the ditch and ended up almost upside down. I rushed over to see if he was OK. Took one look inside and it appeared to be carnage with blood everywhere. He said he was OK, but I was not convinced. Then he said he was fine but the pasta in tomato sauce his wife had prepared for his lunch and he had put on the passenger seat had wrecked the inside of the car smile Gave him a lift to work, so he could sort it out in the warm.