Sports & Classic Car Night - Jenny Wren Inn !!

Sports & Classic Car Night - Jenny Wren Inn !!



Original Poster:

1,269 posts

260 months

Wednesday 27th October 2004
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If any one is interested.
Sports & classic night every month @ Jenny Wren Pub in Susworth North Lincs.

Please come along...

We now have an open classic car night on the second Tuesday of each month.
Although some don't wish to bring there cars out on a cold & wet evening, its still good to get together for a chat
Some of the cars on previous nights have included Lotus Elans, Esprits, MG & Ferrari


16,556 posts

257 months

Wednesday 27th October 2004
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Great pub

Roads are a tad narrow though

steve f

619 posts

237 months

Wednesday 27th October 2004
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narrow roads there could be a bit of mirror bashing going on


16,556 posts

257 months

Wednesday 27th October 2004
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Too much info possibly!

For anyone that doesn't know it though - it is a great pub with very friendly host. Not much chance of me making it over for an evening meet working in Manchester though I'm afraid Justin

Has your Tubi arrived yet? I know it's in the country. Mine should have landed at Strasse today, so I'll drop the car off with them on Saturday for a few days. hopefully nice and loud for Black Tie & Pie


1,049 posts

240 months

Thursday 28th October 2004
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What time does it start?


Original Poster:

1,269 posts

260 months

Friday 29th October 2004
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Very funny about the road width......thingy.
I not heard if the Tubi is here yet. I will ring QV London.

The pub thing start around 1830 hrs /1900 hrs. The next meeting on 09th of Nov 2004.

At present a few people are coming form Retford with some lotuses, MG's me (ferrari), Jags etc.

Its about car interests, meet new people, talk about different experiences etc, eat some food (if you want) and have a drink, socialise basically.

Something to do to kill the winter months. Actually only 4 of these meets till Spring 2005. Good way to look at it.

The more and more get involved the better it will be the evenings.

If the weather is bad, and not to kin bringing the sports or classic out not a problem.!!


16,556 posts

257 months

Friday 29th October 2004
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kenyon said:

I not heard if the Tubi is here yet. I will ring QV

Yours arrived in the country early this week. Mine is defo at Strasse (and has probably had a potato stuck up by Steve f by now!), so yours should at least by at QV


Original Poster:

1,269 posts

260 months

Friday 29th October 2004
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I am finding out at the moment ?????!!!
Watch this space....


Original Poster:

1,269 posts

260 months

Friday 5th November 2004
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Anyone turning up next Tuesday 09/Nov ??
A few should be coming from around the area.


2,322 posts

254 months

Friday 5th November 2004
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if the weather isn't too bad we'll bring the Chim - my missus likes it at yer Mums we went last weekend!


16,556 posts

257 months

Friday 5th November 2004
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Well Justin? Have you got it yet???


Original Poster:

1,269 posts

260 months

Saturday 6th November 2004
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Thats great.
I will be eating something there. Should be there around 1930 hrs. Anytime is fine.


The exhaust is coming is a couple weeks. The order get mess up in Italy...


Original Poster:

1,269 posts

260 months

Tuesday 9th November 2004
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steve f

619 posts

237 months

Tuesday 9th November 2004
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its a possability could be there not sure yet can russ get in ??????


Original Poster:

1,269 posts

260 months

Tuesday 9th November 2004
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The pub is open to any age. Great if you guys came along.

I hope the weather holds out.


16,556 posts

257 months

Tuesday 9th November 2004
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What time do people a) turn up and b) stay until?

The chances of me making it a less than 15%, but you never know. Dragged Vicki to Black Tie & Pie this weekend so I might have used up all my favours for a while


Original Poster:

1,269 posts

260 months

Wednesday 10th November 2004
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A great night.
4 Lotus's turned up.
2 TVR's
2 Ferraris
1 Maserati
1 Cobra
1 E-Type Jag
1 XKR Jag

Four of the cars were convertibles with their roof down. They came from Retford.

At the same time there was Jamming session on.

The next meet is Tuesday 14 December. Arrivals come around 1900 hrs.


1,049 posts

240 months

Wednesday 10th November 2004
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Bugger looks like I missed some interesting cars coz of having to do some work . Would have had to park out of sight though in that illustrious company.

Must make more of an effort for next month.


Original Poster:

1,269 posts

260 months

Friday 26th November 2004
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Next meet date 07th of Dec 2004.
Anyone going. ??


1,049 posts

240 months

Monday 6th December 2004
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Will be paying a visit this time round but how will I recognise my fellow PHers?